Explain the reason for using ES6 classes.ES6 interview questions for experienced/ES6 Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Explain the reason for using ES6 classes.

ES6 classes have been found to be very useful to the developers. Some of the major uses of ES6 classes are as follows:

ES6 classes have a simpler and less error-prone syntax.
As far as setting up inheritance hierarchies are concerned, ES6 is considered as the best option as it uses new syntax with the old syntax which minimizes the errors and eases the process.
ES6 classes help in defending the developers from failing to use new ones properly with the constructor function. This is one of the most common errors that occur with the developers during the use of a new operator. Classes remove this error by having the constructor throw an exception if this proves to be an invalid object for the constructor.
Classes also help to call the method which is of the prototype’s version. This version is much simpler with the new ES6 syntax than the old versions.

Posted Date:- 2021-10-08 09:54:56

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